Sunday, September 19, 2010

In Defense of the Republic

Doug Pollard
I am a proud Tea party member! In spite of what most pundits say, I am not angry and I am not fearful. I only want to insure that this land remains the one of the sovereign individual American. This is a task that arises every now and then to test us all while the world watches in complete bewilderment. I don't care about health care, the economic downturn or carbon taxes or credits. These issue are important but they are only issues. They may collectively be a danger in that they further European style Government socialism over our individual sovereignty that we free Americans enjoy. These smaller issues may solve a problem or not, but they are definitely attacking our American individual liberty, We in the Tea party and Republican party are allowing the left to call us an extreme wing of Americans. We are moderates lined up against the political left who has been chipping away at our Constitutional rights and Our sovereignty. Almost all the American people I come in contact with are in agreement with the tea party principals and concerns about our individual rights. There is still a silent majority out there with little voice in America. They will stand up with the Tea party and shout so that we can all come together for the freedom of our grandchildren and the millions of people to come who could feel the harsh boots of socialism. Then finally uncontrolled fascism that these leftist forms of Governments lead to. The only thing between us Americans and dictatorship and despotism is our God Given rights and our Constitutions recognition of those rights and the American experience that has allowed us our extreme independence. For the sake of America's future, we the American States and "We the People" should never, now or in the future except the buying of our souls by federal Government with security and safety nets less they become spider webs of captivity . We should not pledge our allegiance to our Government but instead it should pledge its allegiance to us and our individual sovereignty, for past, present , and future Americans.
Remember it is this Government that shouts "It's the economy, Stupid" as if someone would give us a token of wealth we would all shut up. This is what our present Government thinks of us. Do they hold us in contempt? You Betcha! Doug

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Who is running the country and who is dragging it down

We Republicans shout no to everything and the Democrats shout yes to everything. At a time when the the Government is as underwater as the housing market. Is no to everything, the better response?
We in our arrogance decided to let manufacturing go abroad. Superior education could design new high tech products to sell worldwide. Engineers learn to design new products while working in industry, using basics learned in school. With the manufacturing in China there is no place to train young Engineers. We are losing the race in manufacturing our specialty in high tech. Manufacturing down 30% to 10% college Graduates go to wall street. Through Innovation there they create there own jobs. The housing crash, may be the product of innovation. The present Government is willing to take money from the damaged United States industry by taxation and apply it to Wall-street, banking and political economic segments. Highly educated Greeks sat around in their togas and impressed each other with their learning. They failed to put it to work. The Spartans and Romans ran over them. With out Manufacturing for our bright young people to apply their education to, we may well find ourselves in decline. Only manufacturing, construction, wall street, services, and banking can improve the economy. It takes nearly equal parts of each. A government that is against any segment of these ,such as manufacturing is moving our nation towards failure. This is where the present Government stands. Manufacturing is the industry that wags Wall street, Banking and the Governments tail. All should take heed of this. An Artistic Holly wood has impressed Washington with its glamor and hatred of the dirty manufacturing segment that has supported us all for so may generations. Doug

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Six Nations and We the People


Douglas G. Pollard Sr.

We Americans are much different than the Government loving Europeans and other Nationals. They don't understand us. They never had the advantage of encountering the American Indian. He was fiercely independent and in part is why he was dubbed noble. Their young men were sent out to live or die by their own cunning and strength. There was no controlling government to save them or demand from them, as they wondered the North American forests and plains. These were sovereign individuals. They had chiefs and elders but but were not Governed by them. They were free to live as they pleased as long as it did not effect others.
Our constitution was greatly influenced by the sons of Iroquois Indians that had their own congress and their own individual rights.
White European immigrants and pioneers hated and feared them. Even so they admired them greatly, and every Generation of Americans handed down their affection for Indian self reliance scarcely knowing they were doing so, or knowing what it was they gave their children.
Early European Americans came from lands where Royalty owned everything and it was only by their hand a man was able to survive . He could only prosper to the degree that Government would allow. Many came to the New world as indentured servants to serve some years before gaining the limited freedom that England would allow.
It was in part the acceptance of Indian independence that influenced Americans to break away from the mothering of European style government.
Most black Americans were completely ruled by their chiefs in Africa so never had a strong sense of independence. Like Europeans they brought with them subservience to leadership. These people could be allowed to live.
They never until recently achieved independence as a result of being enslaved. They are just now striking the bonds of the slavery and welfare. Some of those who have thrown off that yoke are fierce in the defense of their independence and country. Many more a complaining that the government does not supply them with their needs. These still have a ways to go.
The American Indian with his independence had to be destroyed or forced onto reservations with only one other option. To die! Those who complied became captives of the welfare state.
The great Chief Tecumseh lead his people to try to live alongside the white settlers. In the south, that well intentioned decision led to the “Trail of Tears”.
So I believe the European and most other peoples of the world will never fully understand Americans. They lack the Indian ingredient that was passed down to us. We are a very unique combination of traits.
Our European forefathers gave us demanding government and an inextinguishable thirst to own property. The uncertainty of a dangerous sea Crossing, then the battle for land and the contact with the fiercest and most independent enemy in the world influenced them. Americans threw off feudal style Government and took instead the best of English government, republicanism.. A combination of Magnecarta and Christen ideals were sprinkled with the democracy of Indian tribes of the, Six Nations.
To maintain this we should be willing to fight for the republic that holds our democratic ideals together.
We have a tendency to go around the world giving away democracies like candy. All of them run a huge risk of failure. We have offered Democracy to Irac but not a republic the makes every citizen sovereign. Should the democracy be successful they will be subjects of the countries leadership. This I think water's down democracy as a government institution with only the ability to elect a new king to serve every few years. What a shame!
American liberalism is now a part of our politics and that as a religion is about to get a surprise. The Mexicans that they so much want in this country, illegal or not, are also rugged individualists.
Like it or not the American Indian left his mark and the Mexican who is in large part Indian will join any side that looks to preserve individualism. The liberal is like the insect that eats the mustard seed, and will be devoured from the inside.
I think the Mexican, unlike educated Europeans who bring with them a tolerance for feudalism, will strengthen the United States, if allowed to come here in a legal way! I, welcome legal Mexican immigrants.

The End

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Who Will Pay For the Oil Spill

We will, You and I, the taxpayer and the consumer pay this bill.. This spill and the cleanup will first be paid by British Petroleum company. They will see this as a business expense. Business expenses get added onto the price of the product. The price of fuel goes up. If the Government cleans it up then we tax payers will foot the bill the real cost will be negotiated down by BP as well it should. After all how would you like to pay the cost of anything the government does in it's hap hazard way. OH, excuse me I forgot You do pay, every day.
Now they are talking about fining BP Billions of dollars. Hey that's cool! We know who will pay that. Yep us again. We the tax payer, we the consumer are the only ones that can pay for it. The government can't, they don't have money. Governments only have tax payers and taxpayers have money. Companies don't have money they have products that they sell to us for money. When they raise prices of oil to pay the clean up cost they will have money. All the other oil companies are looking at those big clean up costs and fines and saying our risk has greatly increased, raise prices. We Americans who are the investors in these oil companies in stocks and IRA accounts are taking a hit in stock values. I heard a lady on C-span say she hoped BP went broke. Now there is a happy thought with a big part of the country without jobs. This is the reason I am proposing a cheap way that works for nothing while we all sleep at night. Dust rolling up oil as it comes to the surface and as it spreads out on the water in a deadly sheen. Dust rolling into grease balls that will not kill marsh grass and will not kill shrimp and will not oil birds. Sun baked tar balls are the answer. I am posting this every where I can on the Internet and sending it to Congressmen and the president and every group I can find that is environmentally active. Please send a link to a friend.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mild oil spill damage may not last a long time.

Bear Creek east Of Baltimore Md. always had a layer of oil on it. It leaked from settling ponds of local industry. The creek was basically dead. A few crabs lived at the mouths of drainage ditches as did small fish but that was about all the life there was. All the beds of sea Grass had died. It was a dead little sea. In the late 1940's a major polluter found itself in a labor dispute and on strike and shut down. The creek came alive with amazing speed. In three weeks there was some fish in the creek. In six weeks there where a lot of fish as well as crabs. The had moved in from the bay and though not exactly thriving they were living in the creek. Local residents of the area were amazed to be catching rock-fish, croaker, white perch and spot. Taylor blues were breaking the water feeding on plentiful alewives. You could drag up a net with enough grass shrimp for a days fishing. Watermen who had them, put their shedding pots back in the water and sold soft crabs again. To the mixed feelings of all who were glad to be going back to work the fishing was not to last. As the manufacturing started up anew and the water was ever more streaked with oil, fish floated on their sides.And lined the banks.
I think this shows that a body of water can repair itself pretty quick when the pollution stops. This true of oil polution but some things are longer lasting. I think the Gulf will recover quickly as soon as the oil can be removed from the water. My solution of rolling particles on the water will not likely remove the heavy oil but it will take that long lasting sheen that lingers after a spill. This sheen damages the coast line for a long time after the heavier concentrations of oil are gone. There is hope for the Gulf coast!
Douglas Pollard

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Spilled Oil on Troubled Waters

There is oil on the water in the Gulf of Mexico and it is not hard to get rid of a huge amount of it. As a kid I played on a creek near Baltimore that had an almost continual sheen of oil on it's surface coming from Nearby Industry. The creek had become barren of fish, crabs and sea weed. Natures way of cleaning the water was for dust and pollen to land on the water and roll with the wavelets. As these particles roll in the water they keep adding a thin layer of oil that is the sheen on the water. The particle grows in size and continues to increase in size, from then on. These we called grease balls. They were a kind of emulsion formed by a combination of water and oil. I have seen these balls as big as 6" in diameter with many more in smaller sizes. Any dust that will float will roll up into these balls cleaning the surface of the water.
A powder could be spread on the Gulf. It might be saw dust, or wood sanding dust. It might be micro balloons. Any round particulate that can roll freely will pick up oil. Maybe a few tractor trailer loads of the material would be a good test. There is likely a best size and shape for this and a little research would certainly determine that.
These grease balls will roll up into marsh grass and on beaches. They will not kill birds or fish as they harden on the surface in sunlight. They need not get to shore as they can be dredged up in nets and sent to refineries for processing. Because oil floats these balls will float no matter how big they get These nodules will be working day and night at cleaning the waters surface and the operating cost is zero, zilch, nothing. The value of the crude will not be lost when refined. I would think a shrimper might make a pretyy good days wages by dredging up grease balls and selling them to the refineries. Everybody wins. Doug Pollard