Sunday, March 27, 2011

A symphony of video portraying Berlin in 1927 This was the early years of the Third Rich.  The German Government was splitting off into a kind of dangerous socialism called Fascism The world and the United States in it's innocence was soon to loose that innocence and would see an explosion of Faschism.  German trust of Government and a supposedly benevolent socialist Leader Adolph Hitler would soon become the Angel of death to much of Europe the Jewish as well as Polish people.   Some of the slightly older boys I grew up with in the 1930's would loose their lives and the future family's they and their sweat hearts would have had. They were left rotting in the ground.     There is no sound but the video tells the story without it, of a gentle people who handed over their freedom to elegant sounding political figures and they lived and died for their weakness while carrying their guilt to their graves. A rich proud people were bought for a few Government gifts that they themselves paid for. .

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