Sunday, July 24, 2011

Riding the widow maker, a truly free man is me.

Doug Bow_24Websize copy

     This is a much younger me rideing the bowsprit of my boat with a cup of coffee as the Osprey sails her
self. There is hardly anyone who recognizes the freedoms we have more than a man that lives aboard a boat and travels this country of ours with it's freedom to do your own thing are not shared by much of the world. My sailing counterparts around the world have not the guarantee of privacy that our Jones act guarantees me. No officer of the law can board my boat without the accompaniment of a Coast Guard Boarding officer. This is a right that very few Americans are even aware of. This is right I have known of some having had to defend by going to jail and released with an apology from a local police department. These are rights we should all defend when the occasion arises even if it means being uncomfortabal. In talking boats on line I find it amazing how many are quick to defend the idea that we have no right to defend ourselves. They often say show me the law that gives me that right.   My thoughts on that are how about our constitution and the unwritten rights of man. All rights are ours and our states unless the constitution gives that right to the federal Government and they are few and far between.  Take pride and enjoy your God given rights as enumerated in our constitution.     Doug
Hey guys go read this. I makes me feel a little better about the upcoming election if it is legitimate. It also makes me feel better about the judgment of my fellow Americans.  The politicians on C_span are really downers.  They spit out the party line which we all know is just a canned slop.When will some get in front of the camera and just say what they think.  I find it hard to take that they all set and talk as if they were giving their opinion when word for word what they say is exactly what ever other Democrats say. Doesn't anybody have what it takes to to express his own opinions. There was a self described Democratic pollster on c-span this morning that  followed the sound bits of the party to a word.  Are we supposed to believe he is really a pollster?  Isn't his job to find out what people think or is he just supposed to be a democrat spokesman.  I wounder how he faces his wife and children when he goes home at night. I would hate to be him shaving in the morning standing there looking into a face that set in front of a camera spouting some one else's words while the whole
nation-watching knows it.  If I passed him on the street I would have to bust out laughing.  The good news is it looks like I am not the only one turned off by Democratic propaganda.          Doug

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Better Minds Than Mine

Hi readers I find myself without anything to say now and then. Some other times what I have to say would not be of interest to anyone.  I belong to the Tea Party and there are people there who have a lot to say and most of it is relevant to The Saving of The Republic.  I will often post some of what others think out loud on the web..  Here is hopeing we will all, you and I, learn from better minds than mine.        Doug

Tea party Saves America


Levin: "Only Thing that Stands Between Us and a Complete Breakdown of Society Is the Tea Party"

Tea Party is not a Party

Dear Fellow Tea Party Patriots,

There is much talk of the formation of a third political party based on the tea party movement.   Additionally, in several states, including Michigan, unscrupulous individuals have formed third parties utilizing the tea party name in an attempt to play dirty politics and trick unsuspecting voters into voting for candidates who are being put on the ballot simply to split the vote.
Tea Party Patriots is issuing this statement in order to make it clear that we are not associated with any attempts to form a third party.  Additionally, we believe that such efforts, even those that might be well intentioned, are unproductive and unwise at this time.  The history of third party movements in this country is one of division and defeat.  We believe that it is instead time for all Americans to rise up and demand appropriate reform within their own existing parties.  The mechanisms exist for citizens to participate in their parties, and to drive their parties in the right direction. 
The Tea Party Patriots encourage all citizens to get involved in the party process, and to reshape their parties into something in which they may once again believe.  This country does not belong to any one party, nor does it belong to the career politicians. And it certainly doesn't belong to people who would like to trick you into voting for "tea party" candidates so you will waste your vote.  This country belongs to the citizens.

As Benjamin Franklin once said, "We have given you a republic madam, if you can keep it."  The founders knew that it would be our sacred obligation as citizens to get involved, and to work hard to hold on to this great nation.  We have much work to do, and future generations will look back in judgment.  We hope you will join us in preserving the republic. 

You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!

Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,
Debbie Dooley, Mike Gaske, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, Rob Gaudet and Dawn Wildman