Sunday, August 7, 2011

America Relearning Competition By Douglas G. Pollard Sr. We in America have happened upon a thing called world trade competition. We have not experience it since before World War One. We don't seem to know how to handle it any more now than before 1914. For a number of years the progressive party in power here did all they could to destroy the competitive nature of our Capitalist system. They were successful enough that they were thrown out of office and the party disintegrated. It's membership hidden from view in the Democrat party and a some even jockeyed for position in the Republican party disguised as . The War destroyed most of Europe physically and financially. There was a mass exodus of crafts men ,engineers and scientists to North and South America. There was horrendous inflation in Germany that spilled all over Europe, as a result Europeans immigrants and especially the Germans brought with them a distrust of paper money, the stock market and Government. They bought land here and gold, both of which are fairly immune to inflation. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was so horrible and bloody that it frighted Europe out of its wits. So in the 12920's Mussolini made his bide to take over Italy, He was a communist but called his Communism fascism. The only difference being that people were able to keep their companies but the Government controlled them and saw to it that they made money enough to pay exorbitant tax rates. Along came Adolf Hitler in Germany. With all of Europe scared to death of the red scourge from the east and Poland having had to turned the Red Army back, Europe new it was only a time until Russia conquered Europe. They welcomed the Arming of Germany and hoped to hide beneath the Huns umbrella. After living with Germany for centuries they like all liberals had learned nothing. In the 1920's and 30's the European and especially the German Jews came en mass embracing the stock market industry and it's compound interest and earnings. They entered all phases of the economy. They loved it, but did not trust it or Americans completely as trust had not served them well in Europe. They held back just a little, by saving Gold as mad money. They reserved the right to escape to another land and set up shop again if America suddenly turned against them. They are still hedging there bets as a people with one foot in Israel and one in the USA. This seems to be good for both countries. During this period the Progressives have continually done their best to destroy capitalism. While the country dragged the progressive Democrats kicking and screaming every step. In spite of them it took a war to finally pull their irons out of the fire. The world suffered through the Depression and America continued to grow in part due to this immigration. With the continuation of of the first world war in preparation for WW11 Germans frightened after remembering the disaster of the first War, began immigrated by the millions. More Jews came escaping European antisemitism almost all with experience in running businesses, sciences where a huge asset to this country. All during these post war years we had little competition from a rebuilding Europe and that huge market for our products. We sold Europe all they could buy and gave them more credit than they could possibly pay back. As their debt mounted and their ability to pay effected our ability to sell to them a massive depression starting here and spread around the world. Sound familiar? World war two came and went and again America was left with a an even bigger and stronger manufacturing machine, while Europe was left in rubble. We believing in ourselves manufactured the goods to rebuild, cut tariffs on European goods and we all prospered. In the late 1960's Richard Nixon saw the danger of a Huge China Isolated with big parts of it's population starving. Nixon said it was a huge market for America. What he didn't say was that if China's situation did not change the 2 billion man yellow scourge would be seen on the march. India was in the same situation, A nuclear Russia would have to join in with China or the USA and Europe. No one knew which way they would turn. All would go nuclear! No one new which way Europe would turn as the Europeans have for centuries maintained a deep seated fear of their gargantuan neighbor to the East. That kind of nuclear war would spell destruction for the entire earth. It would be all over. Richard Nixon and Later, Ronald Regan, would promote trade with the third world, China, India, and anyone else who had a dollar to spend and a product to sell. They spread Capitalism world wide, as well as it's necessity for peace. None of these major trading partners can go to war with each other with out totally destroying their own economy Nixon believed.. As a result we started this beast called world trade, so the world might survive and now we have to figure out how to prosper in it. It was not started buy some other power to destroy us. We started it to save ourselves. Over time these trading partners of ours will see increased labor costs. As time goes along we may find ourselves able to compete if we do nothing and wait, But I don't think so. There wages are increasing because they are getting more competitive in manufacture. They are using better and better machinery so that every worker is more productive. This is what we have out stip. Their labor is so cheap that we have to manufacture with no labor at all. An automated machine can produce cheaper than they can. But our industry will still have to pay taxes, navigate through the maze of government regulation and pay employee health care for those that are still employed. These are problems that have to be solved. The health care problem is not hard to solve if we are willing to find a capitalist solution like removing all Government controls on health insurance. This will mean that you or I can buy Health insurance any place in the world and the US that sells it. The amount it pays for our health care may pay to fly us to some other part of the world where we can get a $100,000 worth of operation for $20,000 with plane ticket and all at a cost of $30,000. Why not, this is what industry has had to do. They go elsewhere to get something done cheaply, what is wrong with that? We are more and more an educated country and will have to be more so, why will we need somebody to negotiate our cheaper insurance for us. Why by the way would our children not buy some of their education in a cheaper country? That might have the dual effect of a cheaper education and bring prices down here as well. With nano technology coming along we may be able to grow our own car parts instead of having them made in China. Who knows, we may even grow the whole car??? Someplace in this we will be competitive with China and at that time we will be true trading partners and safe from each other's war Machines. We and the billions of peoples over the world may have settled into a living way of life. At this time we may well have the wealth to explore the universe, as well as the know how with the brains of the, Chinese Indians, Europeans and Russians, Africans, South Americans and we North Americans. I will guarantee one thing. It will not be done by the combined efforts of socialism, fascism or dictatorial mandate. I would like to live a few hundred years to see it all and remember it all started with the first American president and the idea of free and sovereign people. Do you wish the founders could see it along with our children. Douglas Pollard

America Relearning Competition


                                                  Douglas G. Pollard Sr.

We in America have happened upon a thing called world trade competition. We have not experience it since before World War One. We don't seem to know how to handle it any more now than before 1914. For a number of years the progressive party in power here did all they could to destroy the competitive nature of our Capitalist system. They were successful enough that they were thrown out of office and the party disintegrated. It's membership hidden from view in the Democrat party and a some even jockeyed for position in the Republican party disguised as .
The War destroyed most of Europe physically and financially. There was a mass exodus of crafts men ,engineers and scientists to North and South America. There was horrendous inflation in Germany that spilled all over Europe, as a result Europeans immigrants and especially the Germans brought with them a distrust of paper money, the stock market and Government. They bought land here and gold, both of which are fairly immune to inflation.
The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was so horrible and bloody that it frighted Europe out of its
wits. So in the 12920's Mussolini made his bide to take over Italy, He was a communist but called his Communism fascism. The only difference being that people were able to keep their companies but the Government controlled them and saw to it that they made money enough to pay exorbitant tax rates.
Along came Adolf Hitler in Germany. With all of Europe scared to death of the red scourge from the east and Poland having had to turned the Red Army back, Europe new it was only a time until Russia conquered Europe. They welcomed the Arming of Germany and hoped to hide beneath the Huns umbrella. After living with Germany for centuries they like all liberals had learned nothing.
In the 1920's and 30's the European and especially the German Jews came en mass embracing the stock market industry and it's compound interest and earnings. They entered all phases of the economy. They loved it, but did not trust it or Americans completely as trust had not served them well in Europe. They held back just a little, by saving Gold as mad money. They reserved the right to escape to another land and set up shop again if America suddenly turned against them. They are still hedging there bets as a people with one foot in Israel and one in the USA. This seems to be good for both countries.
During this period the Progressives have continually done their best to destroy capitalism. While the country dragged the progressive Democrats kicking and screaming every step. In spite of them it took a war to finally pull their irons out of the fire.
The world suffered through the Depression and America continued to grow in part due to this immigration. With the continuation of of the first world war in preparation for WW11 Germans frightened after remembering the disaster of the first War, began immigrated by the millions. More Jews came escaping European antisemitism almost all with experience in running businesses, sciences where a huge asset to this country.
All during these post war years we had little competition from a rebuilding Europe and that huge market for our products. We sold Europe all they could buy and gave them more credit than they could possibly pay back. As their debt mounted and their ability to pay effected our ability to sell to them a massive depression starting here and spread around the world. Sound familiar?

World war two came and went and again America was left with a an even bigger and stronger manufacturing machine, while Europe was left in rubble. We believing in ourselves manufactured the goods to rebuild, cut tariffs on European goods and we all prospered.
In the late 1960's Richard Nixon saw the danger of a Huge China Isolated with big parts of it's population starving. Nixon said it was a huge market for America. What he didn't say was that if China's situation did not change the 2 billion man yellow scourge would be seen on the march. India was in the same situation, A nuclear Russia would have to join in with China or the USA and Europe. No one knew which way they would turn. All would go nuclear! No one new which way Europe would turn as the Europeans have for centuries maintained a deep seated fear of their gargantuan neighbor to the East. That kind of nuclear war would spell destruction for the entire earth. It would be all over.
Richard Nixon and Later, Ronald Regan, would promote trade with the third world, China, India, and anyone else who had a dollar to spend and a product to sell.
They spread Capitalism world wide, as well as it's necessity for peace. None of these major trading partners can go to war with each other with out totally destroying their own economy Nixon believed..
As a result we started this beast called world trade, so the world might survive and now we have to figure out how to prosper in it. It was not started buy some other power to destroy us. We started it to save ourselves.
Over time these trading partners of ours will see increased labor costs. As time goes along we may find ourselves able to compete if we do nothing and wait, But I don't think so. There wages are increasing because they are getting more competitive in manufacture. They are using better and better machinery so that every worker is more productive. This is what we have out stip.
Their labor is so cheap that we have to manufacture with no labor at all. An automated machine can produce cheaper than they can. But our industry will still have to pay taxes, navigate through the maze of government regulation and pay employee health care for those that are still employed. These are problems that have to be solved.
The health care problem is not hard to solve if we are willing to find a capitalist solution like removing all Government controls on health insurance. This will mean that you or I can buy Health insurance any place in the world and the US that sells it. The amount it pays for our health care may pay to fly us to some other part of the world where we can get a $100,000 worth of operation for $20,000 with plane ticket and all at a cost of $30,000. Why not, this is what industry has had to do. They go elsewhere to get something done cheaply, what is wrong with that?
We are more and more an educated country and will have to be more so, why will we need somebody to negotiate our cheaper insurance for us. Why by the way would our children not buy some of their education in a cheaper country? That might have the dual effect of a cheaper education and bring prices down here as well.
With nano technology coming along we may be able to grow our own car parts instead of having them made in China. Who knows, we may even grow the whole car???
Someplace in this we will be competitive with China and at that time we will be true trading partners and safe from each other's war Machines. We and the billions of peoples over the world may have settled into a living way of life.
At this time we may well have the wealth to explore the universe, as well as the know how with the brains of the, Chinese Indians, Europeans and Russians, Africans, South Americans and we North Americans.
I will guarantee one thing. It will not be done by the combined efforts of socialism, fascism or dictatorial mandate.
I would like to live a few hundred years to see it all and remember it all started with the first American president and the idea of free and sovereign people. Do you wish the founders could see it along with our children.

Douglas Pollard

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Riding the widow maker, a truly free man is me.

Doug Bow_24Websize copy

     This is a much younger me rideing the bowsprit of my boat with a cup of coffee as the Osprey sails her
self. There is hardly anyone who recognizes the freedoms we have more than a man that lives aboard a boat and travels this country of ours with it's freedom to do your own thing are not shared by much of the world. My sailing counterparts around the world have not the guarantee of privacy that our Jones act guarantees me. No officer of the law can board my boat without the accompaniment of a Coast Guard Boarding officer. This is a right that very few Americans are even aware of. This is right I have known of some having had to defend by going to jail and released with an apology from a local police department. These are rights we should all defend when the occasion arises even if it means being uncomfortabal. In talking boats on line I find it amazing how many are quick to defend the idea that we have no right to defend ourselves. They often say show me the law that gives me that right.   My thoughts on that are how about our constitution and the unwritten rights of man. All rights are ours and our states unless the constitution gives that right to the federal Government and they are few and far between.  Take pride and enjoy your God given rights as enumerated in our constitution.     Doug
Hey guys go read this. I makes me feel a little better about the upcoming election if it is legitimate. It also makes me feel better about the judgment of my fellow Americans.  The politicians on C_span are really downers.  They spit out the party line which we all know is just a canned slop.When will some get in front of the camera and just say what they think.  I find it hard to take that they all set and talk as if they were giving their opinion when word for word what they say is exactly what ever other Democrats say. Doesn't anybody have what it takes to to express his own opinions. There was a self described Democratic pollster on c-span this morning that  followed the sound bits of the party to a word.  Are we supposed to believe he is really a pollster?  Isn't his job to find out what people think or is he just supposed to be a democrat spokesman.  I wounder how he faces his wife and children when he goes home at night. I would hate to be him shaving in the morning standing there looking into a face that set in front of a camera spouting some one else's words while the whole
nation-watching knows it.  If I passed him on the street I would have to bust out laughing.  The good news is it looks like I am not the only one turned off by Democratic propaganda.          Doug

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Better Minds Than Mine

Hi readers I find myself without anything to say now and then. Some other times what I have to say would not be of interest to anyone.  I belong to the Tea Party and there are people there who have a lot to say and most of it is relevant to The Saving of The Republic.  I will often post some of what others think out loud on the web..  Here is hopeing we will all, you and I, learn from better minds than mine.        Doug

Tea party Saves America


Levin: "Only Thing that Stands Between Us and a Complete Breakdown of Society Is the Tea Party"

Tea Party is not a Party

Dear Fellow Tea Party Patriots,

There is much talk of the formation of a third political party based on the tea party movement.   Additionally, in several states, including Michigan, unscrupulous individuals have formed third parties utilizing the tea party name in an attempt to play dirty politics and trick unsuspecting voters into voting for candidates who are being put on the ballot simply to split the vote.
Tea Party Patriots is issuing this statement in order to make it clear that we are not associated with any attempts to form a third party.  Additionally, we believe that such efforts, even those that might be well intentioned, are unproductive and unwise at this time.  The history of third party movements in this country is one of division and defeat.  We believe that it is instead time for all Americans to rise up and demand appropriate reform within their own existing parties.  The mechanisms exist for citizens to participate in their parties, and to drive their parties in the right direction. 
The Tea Party Patriots encourage all citizens to get involved in the party process, and to reshape their parties into something in which they may once again believe.  This country does not belong to any one party, nor does it belong to the career politicians. And it certainly doesn't belong to people who would like to trick you into voting for "tea party" candidates so you will waste your vote.  This country belongs to the citizens.

As Benjamin Franklin once said, "We have given you a republic madam, if you can keep it."  The founders knew that it would be our sacred obligation as citizens to get involved, and to work hard to hold on to this great nation.  We have much work to do, and future generations will look back in judgment.  We hope you will join us in preserving the republic. 

You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!

Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,
Debbie Dooley, Mike Gaske, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, Rob Gaudet and Dawn Wildman

Monday, June 20, 2011

 Now here is a man who states exactly what I believe.  This is the most truthful statement ever pronounced by anyone besides God.  We American fought to free ourselves of the yoke being subjects of the king.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Price of War

   Yes ground combat is bad.  It kills our youth and wounds them, it also damages their minds. It gives them painful things to think about the rest of their lives. A volunteer army is much more likely to have to fight such wars. The guy who sits in a chair and flies a drone does not have to look his target in the eye, but he knows of those he has killed.  Will he ever get over it? I doubt it.
     Even the General who orders men into battle must pay a price by way of the knowledge of those who have died or been damaged by his command. Can he in all good faith mourn his own coming death knowing of  those who have by their direct or indirect hand.  Men who fight just wars cannot possibly suffer as those do who know they are at war for unjustified political ends. Every American must feel the pain of a subscripted son in order that we only fight absolutely necessary wars that are thrust upon us by foreign powers.
    How can I possibly be in favor of a war that my son, daughter or I will never have to fight in.  What ever the reason we fight it can only be justified by it's allowing our children, grandchildren on onward to live as free Americans.    These are the only justified reasons to fight a war. It is our right.                                    Doug

Its an Old Story

  It's an old story the countries in a slump,Washington looks bad, needs to raise the debt ceiling, increase the budget and increase spending.  Dump money in the economy by increased military and the replacement of military equipment.  The economy will look a bit better for a time.  Then we drag young men off the unemployment lines and put them in the service. Who can complain about spending when our kids are over there fighting. Seems to me it forces the hand of Republicans in the house to approve the war we are already in.       Hitler, had the same problem over spending that then required a war to  create a need for more taxes and the confiscation of foreign lands.                                   Doug

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Machinists 1942

In the year 1942 may father had a Machine shop in our Basement. There was a war on and we mad aircraft parts for the Glen L Martin corporation which was later Martin Marrietta and still later Gruman Martin Marietta. My Brother was serving his machinist apprentice ship at Bethlehem Steel Company. When he finished his four years he went into the Navy as a Machinist Mate.  All of us kids worked some in the shop and made a little spending money.  My father worked part time at home and full time as a machinist at Bell Telephone. The Government froze him in his job for the duration of the war so he was not able to work full time at home.  It was possible to go to prison for leaving your job.  At the very least if a man were young enough he would be drafted into the service.  No one complained as most thought it was their patriotic duty to work at their defence job as they were called. Everyone was required to work six days a week and got paid time and a half for Saturday. Everyone had a big bank account as there was not much you could buy with the money.  At the end of the war everyone bought a new house and a new car.    
The narration on this video is a bit hokey but it was made for school children. Still for any who are interested in the machinist trade this may be interesting.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sailing Ships and Sailing Men

As a boy in the 1930's, I knew sailors. Most came home and swore off sailing ships for ever.
Drawn to a wild Baltimore waterfront life, they blew their wages on booze, women and gambling. They were shanghaied or signed onto a ship just to have a home for a time. It was not the sea they were drawn to, but instead, family.
A man, known to do his share high up on the yard arms, had respect.
On land, they were lowly and even tramps. Upon the sea, each a respected seamen! To stand his watch, furl canvas in rain and sleet then lend a hand on the bitter end of a sheet a new boy on board rose to man and mate.
Good people these, though not in a way most of us would recognise.
Among us modern sailboat sailors we may swagger and tell of hanging on with one hand and reefing a flogging sail with the other.
You could with effort, drag the same story from these square rig sailors, though they wouldn't say they were high in the air above mountainous waves reefing and tying as they rounded the notorious capes, driven by snowy squalls. To be 200 ft in the air in gale winds with a sails snapping and booming making every attempt to throw the watch to deck. Cut from heavy cloth, these men who worked, lived and died at sea.
A seaman I knew and was influenced by, was a Mr. Outabridge who fell from the main yard cracking his skull. He supervise the repair of it and inspired the character Doc in the Novel, Of Mooncursers and Other Spun Yarns By Douglas G. Pollard Sr. on sale @ .
My mothers brother Talmage Williams right after World War one was shanghaied aboard a sailing ship in to the far east. After a two year stint when his ship had not made a U.S. Port. He signed aboard a steam ship to Baltimore. Left in port at Tripoli where he had gotten drunk and spent a couple weeks in jail for getting into a bar room brawl. That was his last duty under sail. Arriving home he lost his seaman's papers for a year for jumping ship. During world war two he stayed at sea almost constantly. He made the one and only Mermanske run through the North Sea hauling gasoline. They were close on the German coast and suffered bombings for several days. Talmage said they watch ships burning in the distance every night and all hands fully expected to die on that trip. IT was by luck that they were not attacked by German dive Bombers.
To find men like these today you have to look to our men fighting on the sands of the middle east. So, every Generation has it's men.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Berlin Part I act 2 "for the sake of God there goes I"

During these years when this film was made you could not tell Berlin from my home town of Baltimore Maryland except for the spelling on street signs. The people look the same they dressed much the same and they went to work by street car and walked busy streets with a friendly nod here and there. There was a difference though. The people in Berlin did not have the American constitution that gave them the same status as the king of any country. They were not sovereign.   In the united states, the states are sovereign as is each and every person. Our Federal government not sovereign Under our constitution we as individuals have more power to run the country than does our Federal Government.  WE are more powerful that was Nero of Rome each has ultimate control over hydrogen Bombs and jet fighters. Few other people on earth has a document that demands under penalty of impeachment in a trail before the Congress.  Held by the Chief justice of the supreme court with the intent to convict any tyrant failing to do his constitutional duty to uphold the constitutional rights of each, and every American.
The German people as  result were willing to trust an individual to benevolently run Germany and protect their rights. To protect their rights? Can someone protect your rights for you?  Should we be willing to forestall such an outcome here in this American land.  We have a duty to stand and yell "God Bless America for we are it".   How can we possible be embarrassed to stand on a street corner and proclaim this statement of love of country.
A symphony of video portraying Berlin in 1927 This was the early years of the Third Rich.  The German Government was splitting off into a kind of dangerous socialism called Fascism The world and the United States in it's innocence was soon to loose that innocence and would see an explosion of Faschism.  German trust of Government and a supposedly benevolent socialist Leader Adolph Hitler would soon become the Angel of death to much of Europe the Jewish as well as Polish people.   Some of the slightly older boys I grew up with in the 1930's would loose their lives and the future family's they and their sweat hearts would have had. They were left rotting in the ground.     There is no sound but the video tells the story without it, of a gentle people who handed over their freedom to elegant sounding political figures and they lived and died for their weakness while carrying their guilt to their graves. A rich proud people were bought for a few Government gifts that they themselves paid for. .

Friday, March 18, 2011

The last of the Pufferbelliest

WE were at war! The Japanese had bombed Perl Harbor and Germany declared war. It was 1942! We were loosing in North Africa and we were being Driven back in the Pacific. We were melting down everything metal we could find. We kids collected aluminum pots and pans and turned them over to the fire department to be used in building airplanes.
The Baltimore News Post put a story on the front page that Steam locomotives would be towed to the steel mills to be melted down to build guns and ships. On that day hundreds of people walked down the streets to the railroad crossings to watch the locomotives being pulled through town.
America was well attached to it's steam locomotives.  Lionel and American Flier toy trains were the most popular toys around every Christmas. Engineers were our heroes. We looked on steam railroads in aw.
There was more, we were watching the end of an era and everyone sensed it. It was also the approaching end of a way of life but we didn't sense that and it didn't come for may years. Our American love of machinery would one day become a love of cheap electronic toys. The highly skilled American craftsman was soon to be equated to the low level white collar worker and his skill and years of education and training was lost in a single generation.
Only thirty years later another long line of machinist, mill wrights, tool makers and die makers all tramped there way to big box stores to greet customers.
The pride of a nation, the machinery that provisioned a war on two fronts and overcame odds that the whole world thought America would succumb to was sold to the Chinese for pennies. We have been reduced to making electronic toys and calling this failure, progress.
Today we send our children to get a degree and become nothing more than specialized word smiths. Few thus educated have the ability to think outside their narrow area of their study.
It is the experienced mechanical Engineer that has gone with the machinery. The kids come out of college knowing nothing of real know how and there is no factory to gain the needed experience to become a truly qualified engineers. They don't even know they are lacking.
The Locomotives were only the first to go. Our lessor Gods, the production line would follow.
Our Children are educated to look back on those years  of the assembly line worker as the dirty industrial years.  Of course they were the years where America earned it's wealth to give our youth their educations. God Bless the machinery.